Wednesday, February 12, 2020

veg / nonveg monkeys

Once there was two monkey one is veg another is non veg. Veg monkey likes only vegetarian while non veg monkey likes to eat both vegetarian and non vegetarian as well. One day non veg monkey eats all the food of veg monkey. All this is saw by a bird. that bird is very beautiful and sexy. 

Veg monkey likes her a lot but all knows what god knows one day non veg monkey see her and fell in love with her . great!

non veg monkey hurts but he leave. not to worry he is alive hmmmmm, the story ends on non veg monkey. He met beautiful bird and eat all his desire. 

what about  veg monkey?

He is cop now and serves for humanity and peace and welfare of the country people and also he is a father. and soon he is a five star collar.

take care of your family and friends. love them and share happines with others................
                                                                                                        a kumar

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