Saturday, July 27, 2019

waste your time in browser

Always ask browsers for your answers. start with why, what, how, which, when and where, be smart in wasting your time. spend two hours in browsing in educational channels websites use site like quora wikipedia and bogs which contain knowledgeable content, watch movies containing historical events and science fiction. do whatever you like. search for what successful people like in browsers and it will help you to build your personality, success etc, and character. please waste your time in browsers.

ask questions?
learning apps
social media
images aircraft space astronomy and what you like
programming in java, c html python. download notepad++
music art dance
general knowledge(newspapers and books)
history geography maths and science
current affairs(ancient india, medieval india, modern india, art and culture, indian polity, the states, indian economy, physics, chemistry, biology, computer)
don't avoid social media. linkedin, twitter. 

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